Upcoming Events: Roll For Adventure

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Roll For Adventure:

Thu Feb 13th at 7:00pm at The Tipsy Moose

Host to be determined

Battlemat - Balanced - Dangerous
GM: Rameez A
System/Level: D&D 5.5 : L1 - L4
Seats Left: 0 of 5
Adventure Wild Magic

Battlemat - Balanced - Highly Lethal
GM: Adam G
System/Level: D&D 5.5 : L1 - L4
Seats Left: 0 of 5
Horror Mystery Explicit violence Kidnapping

System/Level: D&D 5.5 : L9 - L12
Seats Left: 0 of 5

Table Game Level Range GM Tags Available
L1-4: The Sorcerer’s Grasp
Battlemat - Balanced - Dangerous
D&D 5.5 L1 - L4 Rameez A Adventure Wild Magic 0 of 5
Roll For Adventure: L1 - L4
Battlemat - Balanced - Highly Lethal
D&D 5.5 L1 - L4 Adam G Horror Mystery Explicit violence Kidnapping 0 of 5
Roll For Adventure: L9 - L12
D&D 5.5 L9 - L12 Curtis C 0 of 5

Roll For Adventure:

Sat Feb 15th at 12:00pm at The Duke of Kent

Host to be determined

Theatre of the Mind - Balanced - Dangerous
GM: Ryan F
System/Level: D&D 5.5 : L1 - L4
Seats Left: 0 of 5

Battlemat - Balanced - Dangerous
GM: Adam S
System/Level: D&D 5.5 : L1 - L4
Seats Left: 0 of 5
Explicit gore Explicit violence Alcoholism or drug use Kidnapping Mature themes

Balanced - Dangerous
System/Level: D&D 5.5 : L9 - L12
Seats Left: 0 of 5
Explicit gore Explicit violence Adventure Horror Comedy

Table Game Level Range GM Tags Available
Roll For Adventure: L1 - L4
Theatre of the Mind - Balanced - Dangerous
D&D 5.5 L1 - L4 Ryan F Adventure 0 of 5
Roll For Adventure: L1 - L4 | Maztica Pt. 1
Battlemat - Balanced - Dangerous
D&D 5.5 L1 - L4 Adam S Explicit gore Explicit violence Alcoholism or drug use Kidnapping Mature themes 0 of 5
Jack Scrimshaw Must Die: L9 - L12
Balanced - Dangerous
D&D 5.5 L9 - L12 Jeremy F Explicit gore Explicit violence Adventure Horror Comedy 0 of 5

Roll For Adventure:

Sun Feb 16th at 6:00pm at The Duke of Kent

Host to be determined

Theatre of the Mind - Balanced - Low Danger
System/Level: D&D 5.5 : L1 - L4
Seats Left: 1 of 5

System/Level: D&D 5.5 : L1 - L4
Seats Left: 0 of 5

System/Level: D&D 5.5 : L5 - L8
Seats Left: 0 of 5

Table Game Level Range GM Tags Available
Roll For Adventure: L1 - L4
Theatre of the Mind - Balanced - Low Danger
D&D 5.5 L1 - L4 Andrew B NEW DM PUZZLES 1 of 5
Roll For Adventure: L1 - L4
D&D 5.5 L1 - L4 TBD 0 of 5
Roll For Adventure: L5 - L8
D&D 5.5 L5 - L8 TBD 0 of 5

Roll For Adventure:

Tue Feb 18th at 6:30pm at The Guild House

Host to be determined

System/Level: D&D 5.5 : L1 - L4
Seats Left: 0 of 5

System/Level: D&D 5.5 : L1 - L4
Seats Left: 0 of 5

Battlemat - Balanced - Dangerous
System/Level: D&D 5.5 : L1 - L4
Seats Left: 0 of 5

System/Level: D&D 5.5 : L5 - L8
Seats Left: 0 of 5

Table Game Level Range GM Tags Available
Roll For Adventure: L1 - L4
D&D 5.5 L1 - L4 Patrick D 0 of 5
Roll For Adventure: L1 - L4
D&D 5.5 L1 - L4 Jeffrey S 0 of 5
Roll For Adventure: L1 - L4
Battlemat - Balanced - Dangerous
D&D 5.5 L1 - L4 Emily F 0 of 5
Roll For Adventure: L5 - L8
D&D 5.5 L5 - L8 Curtis C 0 of 5

Roll For Adventure:

Thu Feb 20th at 7:00pm at The Tipsy Moose

Hosted By: Chad N

Battlemat - Balanced - Dangerous
GM: Ryan C
System/Level: D&D 5.5 : L1 - L4
Seats Left: 0 of 5

System/Level: D&D 5.5 : L1 - L4
Seats Left: 2 of 5

GM: Adrian F
System/Level: D&D 5.5 : L5 - L8
Seats Left: 0 of 5

Table Game Level Range GM Tags Available
Archive of the Whispering Pages Pt 1: L1 - L4
Battlemat - Balanced - Dangerous
D&D 5.5 L1 - L4 Ryan C 0 of 5
Roll For Adventure: L1 - L4
D&D 5.5 L1 - L4 TBD 2 of 5
Roll For Adventure: L5 - L8
D&D 5.5 L5 - L8 Adrian F 0 of 5

Roll For Adventure:

Sat Feb 22nd at 12:00pm at The Duke of Kent

Host to be determined

System/Level: D&D 5.5 : L1 - L4
Seats Left: 2 of 5

System/Level: D&D 5.5 : L1 - L4
Seats Left: 5 of 5

Battlemat - Balanced - Dangerous
GM: Gillian R
System/Level: D&D 5.5 : L1 - L4
Seats Left: 0 of 5
Comedy Horror Espionage Mystery Adventure

Battlemat - Balanced - Dangerous
System/Level: D&D 5.5 : L13 - L16
Seats Left: 0 of 5
Explicit violence

Table Game Level Range GM Tags Available
Roll For Adventure: L1 - L4
D&D 5.5 L1 - L4 TBD 2 of 5
Roll For Adventure: L1 - L4
D&D 5.5 L1 - L4 TBD 5 of 5
Roll For Adventure: L1 - L4
Battlemat - Balanced - Dangerous
D&D 5.5 L1 - L4 Gillian R Comedy Horror Espionage Mystery Adventure 0 of 5
The Riven Hourglass: L13 - 16
Battlemat - Balanced - Dangerous
D&D 5.5 L13 - L16 Jeremy F Explicit violence 0 of 5

Roll For Adventure:

Sun Feb 23rd at 6:00pm at The Duke of Kent

Host to be determined

System/Level: D&D 5.5 : L1 - L4
Seats Left: 4 of 5

System/Level: D&D 5.5 : L1 - L4
Seats Left: 5 of 5

GM: Matthew G
System/Level: D&D 5.5 : L5 - L8
Seats Left: 0 of 5

Table Game Level Range GM Tags Available
Roll For Adventure: L1 - L4
D&D 5.5 L1 - L4 TBD 4 of 5
Roll For Adventure: L1 - L4
D&D 5.5 L1 - L4 TBD 5 of 5
Roll For Adventure: L5 - L8
D&D 5.5 L5 - L8 Matthew G 0 of 5

Roll For Adventure:

Mon Feb 24th at 6:30pm at The Guild House

Host to be determined

Battlemat - Balanced - Low Danger
System/Level: D&D 5.5 : L1 - L4
Seats Left: 0 of 5
Explicit gore Explicit violence Mature themes ARACHNOPHOBIA WARNING

GM: Anton B
System/Level: D&D 5.5 : L1 - L4
Seats Left: 2 of 5

System/Level: D&D 5.5 : L5 - L8
Seats Left: 0 of 5

Battlemat - Combat Focused - Dangerous
GM: Joe H
System/Level: D&D 5.5 : L9 - L12
Seats Left: 3 of 5
Mature themes Adventure

Table Game Level Range GM Tags Available
Roll For Adventure: L1 - L4 - The Silvyr Tower
Battlemat - Balanced - Low Danger
D&D 5.5 L1 - L4 Lorenzo P Explicit gore Explicit violence Mature themes ARACHNOPHOBIA WARNING 0 of 5
Roll For Adventure: L1 - L4
D&D 5.5 L1 - L4 Anton B 2 of 5
Roll For Adventure: L5 - L8
D&D 5.5 L5 - L8 TBD 0 of 5
L9 - L12: The missing husband
Battlemat - Combat Focused - Dangerous
D&D 5.5 L9 - L12 Joe H Mature themes Adventure 3 of 5

Roll For Adventure:

Wed Feb 26th at 6:30pm at The Duke of York

Host to be determined

System/Level: D&D 5.5 : L1 - L4
Seats Left: 0 of 5

Battlemat - Balanced - Dangerous
GM: Adam S
System/Level: D&D 5.5 : L1 - L4
Seats Left: 2 of 5
Explicit gore Explicit violence Alcoholism or drug use Kidnapping Mature themes

Battlemat - Combat Focused - Highly Lethal
GM: Joe H
System/Level: D&D 5.5 : L13 - L16
Seats Left: 3 of 5
Adventure Explicit gore Mature themes There will be spiders

Table Game Level Range GM Tags Available
Roll For Adventure: L1 - L4
D&D 5.5 L1 - L4 TBD 0 of 5
Roll For Adventure: L1 - L4 | Maztica
Battlemat - Balanced - Dangerous
D&D 5.5 L1 - L4 Adam S Explicit gore Explicit violence Alcoholism or drug use Kidnapping Mature themes 2 of 5
L13 - L16: The Great Famine
Battlemat - Combat Focused - Highly Lethal
D&D 5.5 L13 - L16 Joe H Adventure Explicit gore Mature themes There will be spiders 3 of 5

Roll For Adventure:

Thu Feb 27th at 7:00pm at The Tipsy Moose

Hosted By: Chad N

Battlemat - Balanced - Dangerous
GM: Rameez A
System/Level: D&D 5.5 : L1 - L4
Seats Left: 0 of 5

System/Level: D&D 5.5 : L1 - L4
Seats Left: 4 of 5

Table Game Level Range GM Tags Available
Roll For Adventure: L1 - L4
Battlemat - Balanced - Dangerous
D&D 5.5 L1 - L4 Rameez A 0 of 5
Roll For Adventure: L1 - L4
D&D 5.5 L1 - L4 TBD 4 of 5
Date Venue Name Level Tags GM Host Tickets Left
Thu Feb 13th at 7:00pm The Tipsy Moose L1-4: The Sorcerer’s Grasp L1 - L4 Adventure Wild Magic Rameez A TBD 0 of 5
Thu Feb 13th at 7:00pm The Tipsy Moose Roll For Adventure: L1 - L4 L1 - L4 Horror Mystery Explicit violence Kidnapping Adam G TBD 0 of 5
Thu Feb 13th at 7:00pm The Tipsy Moose Roll For Adventure: L9 - L12 L9 - L12 Curtis C TBD 0 of 5
Sat Feb 15th at 12:00pm The Duke of Kent Roll For Adventure: L1 - L4 L1 - L4 Adventure Ryan F TBD 0 of 5
Sat Feb 15th at 12:00pm The Duke of Kent Roll For Adventure: L1 - L4 | Maztica Pt. 1 L1 - L4 Explicit gore Explicit violence Alcoholism or drug use Kidnapping Mature themes Adam S TBD 0 of 5
Sat Feb 15th at 12:00pm The Duke of Kent Jack Scrimshaw Must Die: L9 - L12 L9 - L12 Explicit gore Explicit violence Adventure Horror Comedy Jeremy F TBD 0 of 5
Sun Feb 16th at 6:00pm The Duke of Kent Roll For Adventure: L1 - L4 L1 - L4 NEW DM PUZZLES Andrew B TBD 1 of 5
Sun Feb 16th at 6:00pm The Duke of Kent Roll For Adventure: L1 - L4 L1 - L4 TBD TBD 0 of 5
Sun Feb 16th at 6:00pm The Duke of Kent Roll For Adventure: L5 - L8 L5 - L8 TBD TBD 0 of 5
Tue Feb 18th at 6:30pm The Guild House Roll For Adventure: L1 - L4 L1 - L4 Patrick D TBD 0 of 5
Tue Feb 18th at 6:30pm The Guild House Roll For Adventure: L1 - L4 L1 - L4 Jeffrey S TBD 0 of 5
Tue Feb 18th at 6:30pm The Guild House Roll For Adventure: L1 - L4 L1 - L4 Emily F TBD 0 of 5
Tue Feb 18th at 6:30pm The Guild House Roll For Adventure: L5 - L8 L5 - L8 Curtis C TBD 0 of 5
Thu Feb 20th at 7:00pm The Tipsy Moose Archive of the Whispering Pages Pt 1: L1 - L4 L1 - L4 Ryan C Chad N 0 of 5
Thu Feb 20th at 7:00pm The Tipsy Moose Roll For Adventure: L1 - L4 L1 - L4 TBD Chad N 2 of 5
Thu Feb 20th at 7:00pm The Tipsy Moose Roll For Adventure: L5 - L8 L5 - L8 Adrian F Chad N 0 of 5
Sat Feb 22nd at 12:00pm The Duke of Kent Roll For Adventure: L1 - L4 L1 - L4 TBD TBD 2 of 5
Sat Feb 22nd at 12:00pm The Duke of Kent Roll For Adventure: L1 - L4 L1 - L4 TBD TBD 5 of 5
Sat Feb 22nd at 12:00pm The Duke of Kent Roll For Adventure: L1 - L4 L1 - L4 Comedy Horror Espionage Mystery Adventure Gillian R TBD 0 of 5
Sat Feb 22nd at 12:00pm The Duke of Kent The Riven Hourglass: L13 - 16 L13 - L16 Explicit violence Jeremy F TBD 0 of 5
Sun Feb 23rd at 6:00pm The Duke of Kent Roll For Adventure: L1 - L4 L1 - L4 TBD TBD 4 of 5
Sun Feb 23rd at 6:00pm The Duke of Kent Roll For Adventure: L1 - L4 L1 - L4 TBD TBD 5 of 5
Sun Feb 23rd at 6:00pm The Duke of Kent Roll For Adventure: L5 - L8 L5 - L8 Matthew G TBD 0 of 5
Mon Feb 24th at 6:30pm The Guild House Roll For Adventure: L1 - L4 - The Silvyr Tower L1 - L4 Explicit gore Explicit violence Mature themes ARACHNOPHOBIA WARNING Lorenzo P TBD 0 of 5
Mon Feb 24th at 6:30pm The Guild House Roll For Adventure: L1 - L4 L1 - L4 Anton B TBD 2 of 5
Mon Feb 24th at 6:30pm The Guild House Roll For Adventure: L5 - L8 L5 - L8 TBD TBD 0 of 5
Mon Feb 24th at 6:30pm The Guild House L9 - L12: The missing husband L9 - L12 Mature themes Adventure Joe H TBD 3 of 5
Wed Feb 26th at 6:30pm The Duke of York Roll For Adventure: L1 - L4 L1 - L4 TBD TBD 0 of 5
Wed Feb 26th at 6:30pm The Duke of York Roll For Adventure: L1 - L4 | Maztica L1 - L4 Explicit gore Explicit violence Alcoholism or drug use Kidnapping Mature themes Adam S TBD 2 of 5
Wed Feb 26th at 6:30pm The Duke of York L13 - L16: The Great Famine L13 - L16 Adventure Explicit gore Mature themes There will be spiders Joe H TBD 3 of 5
Thu Feb 27th at 7:00pm The Tipsy Moose Roll For Adventure: L1 - L4 L1 - L4 Rameez A Chad N 0 of 5
Thu Feb 27th at 7:00pm The Tipsy Moose Roll For Adventure: L1 - L4 L1 - L4 TBD Chad N 4 of 5

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