Character Creation Rules

Want to know how to get started with your character in our events? Read on!

Templates vs Standard


If you are eager to play but are nervous about making your own character, we have a selection of pre-generated characters that you can use. Each character comes with a guide on how to use them and level them up, along with character sheets for the first five levels. If you would like to use one of these, just go to your character list, click “Add Character” and select “From Template”. After Level 5, you can continue using that character and level them up however you like! This is a great option for newer or more casual players who aren’t interested in doing a lot of bookkeeping at lower levels of play.


When creating a character to use at our events, you will need to follow the following steps:

1) Review Allowable Options

If you are making your own character, we have a list of content that is approved for use. This includes species, classes, subclasses, backgrounds, spells, feats, and magic items. If you do not see something listed as approved on this list, then it is by definition NOT approved and you should not add it to your character. Anything published prior to the 2024 Player’s Handbook is not allowed.

Please note that this list will change from time to time. If you have an item that is banned for some reason, your character will have the opportunity to swap it out for an approved source. These adjustments are made when:

  1. Our rules committee does a periodic review of the list. When this happens, we will put a notice on the main page of our website and on our Discord server asking for community suggestions.
  2. New content is released by the publishers of D&D (or potentially third parties that we like!).

2) Generate Ability Scores

When creating your character, you have three options for creating your stats:

  1. Use the Player’s Handbook “Standard Array” (15, 14, 13, 12, 10, 8), applied to your ability scores in whatever you would prefer.
  2. Use the Point Buy method.
  3. Roll for stats on our website when you register the character.
  4. Note that when you roll on the website, it will roll for you. If you go this route, you will need to create a character with those rolls or wait 48 hours before you get a new set of rolls. This is intentional to prevent spamming rolls.

3) Equipment

When you are deciding on your character's equipment, you can take either take the default items for your Background and Class, or you can take the gold and buy what you like. Any gold you have left after buying stuff does not transfer over to your newly registered character. No matter how you acquire your equipment, your starting balance of gold in our system will be 100 gp.

4) Register your Character

In order to advance your character through our system, you will need to register them on our website. To do this go to your character listing on our website and click on "Add Character". From there, name your character, fill out a few options and away you go! Note that your "Short Description" and character sheet links will be viewable by members of the site if you assign the character to an event you are playing at.

Next Steps

Once you have created your character, it's time to play them! When you sign up to events, you can let everybody know what character you will be bringing to the table by following these steps:

  1. Go to the event page for the event you are attending. You can see a list of all upcoming events here.
  2. In the “Attendees” panel, you will see your name listed. Click on the action menu on the right and select "Assign Character".
  3. On the next page, pick the character you want to play and click the button labelled "Assign".

Now your GM and the other players can see who you are playing! If you would like to take it a step further, add a link to your character sheet in your character page. This will let everybody see your whole character sheet!

After you play a game, you will have the option to log the session to one of your characters that is currently in the level range of the table. So if you play at an L1 - L4 table, you can apply that session to any character who is L4 or below. To apply your session credit, just go to your characters page here and select "Apply Session" from the action menu to the right on the character to whom you’d like to apply the session.

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